Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Details

I was so excited to post my news yesterday that I forgot to include the details.  The changes in my blood are truly spectacular and must be shared! 

My CRP's (c-reactive proteins- an indicator of inflammation) are with in normal range!!  This is HUGE!  If you look back at my first post, I noted that my CRP's have been continuously elevated since 2008.  This elevation eventually helped steer me towards a Crohn's diagnosis, but shows that I have been dealing with inflammation for YEARS!!!
In eight weeks, I was able to undo what was occurring for nearly 4 years!!!!!!

Next, my iron levels are normal!!!  This last December I had iron infusions.  My iron was so low that simply taking an iron supplement was not an option.  I had to have it intravenously given to me.  This did bring my iron up, but I was told to expect to have iron infusions 2 or 3 times a year for the rest of my life.  Because I had active inflammation in my guts, I was losing small amounts of blood everyday and that just builds to create an iron deficiency and keep the iron below normal, leading to anemia.  It would have been a never ending cycle.  BUT, it has been broken!  I was anemic for 3 years, but NO MORE!!!

My Vitamin B12 is within normal range, as well.  I have Crohn's in my terminal ileum.  This particular part of your small intestine is where we all absorb this important vitamin.  It plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and for the formation of blood. I was on monthly Vit B12 injections but I no longer need them.  I am absorbing the vitamin normally!

Lastly,  My gut doc has taken me OFF the oral steroid!!!!!!!!  Extended use of steroids is hard on your body.  I have been on them, in a wide range of doses, for nearly a year. I can't tell you how happy I am about this.

Need more evidence that this Paleo thing works???????  Try it for 30 days and tell me what happens!!! 


  1. Hi Kelly, I'm desperately looking for some help to get me into remission... do you have any link you can share for the specific Paleo diet you are on? I'm feeling pretty down about having a flare up really, and I got off all my drugs last year because I couldn't tolerate the side effects... so there really is no other way for me.

    I truly am happy for you that you are now in remission and off your drugs. Stay positive :)

  2. Hi Suneetra! I am happy to share with you :) A friend sent me this link I stuck to it for the two weeks and saw HUGE changes, even in that small amount of time. In the this meal plan, there are 'cheats', but I did NOT cheat. When it allows these, I just had a piece of fruit or made a small fruit salad. I NEVER ate gluten (well, accidently once, with disasterous results). I didn't snack that much either, and still don't, when I am flaring- I don't have much of an appetite and Paleo really dimishes the need to eat between meals (for me, anyway)
    I won't sugar coat this, the first 3-4 days are awful! I had headaches and just wanted to lay about all day. This detox is normal and you have to see it through. I also upped my water intake quite a bit to 'flush' things through.
    The cost of Paleo can be surprising for some. Just the grass fed meat alone is scary expensive. For me, I try to go grass fed as much as possible, but I have to keep the overall cost in mind. I find deals and in the end, I am about 50/50 grass fed, grain fed. Whenever I eat grain fed meat, I ALWAYS use a fat to cook in it (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, etc.)
    As far as the drugs, have you ever tried Entocort??? It is a non-systemic steroid that just targets the inflammation in the gut (primarily the small intestine) I have found it to be my 'go to' drug when I need something to work. Ask your doctor about it?
    I really hope you try this for 30 days and you get the same results I have. I am amazed every day how far I have come, and the little set backs and such, aren't that big of a deal in the long run. If you choose to go Paleo, I'd love to know about your journey. I'll cheer you on, as so many did for me :)
    Here is a great blog, I LOVE her recipes and every single one I have tried was delicious
