Friday, June 22, 2012


Two weeks away....I'm excited and nervous.  It will be great to see friends and family after so many years away.  I'm worried about the whole Paleo thing, though.  I have no doubt that I will not attack a fast food place, I just don't feel like messing up my guts, but I worry about how to handle the food thing when it is not in my control- as it is here at home.  And always, in the back of my mind, will my Crohn's act up???   Deep meal at a time :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Keep it up!

So I haven't blogged in awhile....sorry! 
I am feeling pretty good.  I was on a double dose of steroids for a week and felt like a CRAZY woman!  I am glad that is over with!  I am now on a low dose and everything is much as it was before.  I'll go off the steroids the first week of July....I admit, I am nervous.
I have hit 20lbs GONE!!!!!
Between Paleo and Cossfit, that fat didn't stand a chance :)
I Crossfit 3 times a week and am noticing all these muscles showing up, some I didn't even know where there before.
All in all, the set back was discouraging, but it made me come to the realization this is a life long illness.  Remission may not be what I thought it was..for me, anyways.  So I need to get to a place where I feel good and am on the least amount of drugs to keep me feeling good.
We are off to Idaho for a couple of weeks and when I return and go off the 'roids I'll let you all know how it goes :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Set Back

Shortly after I went off the steroids I felt a little gurgle here, a small blip there.  I thought it was just something I ate, or that I was coming off the wasn't.  Two and a half weeks after I stopped taking the steroids, the Crohn's flared again.  I am now back on the steroids, at a high dose, and am beyond upset about it.  My diet did not change, my blood showed such improvement, my symptoms were gone.  WHY?!?!?!?!?!??!
I really thought I had 'won the race', seems, though, that I am just beginning.....