Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm going PALEO!!!!

I have a good friend from Germany that went Paleo about a year or so ago.  She looks uh-MAZ-ing!  I kinda asked about it back then and, well, I thought she was NUTS.  So, here I find myself on Paleo...Who's NUTS now???  Me!  When I got my 30 day stay of execution (it felt like that) I searched for what would get me the results I need.  Lower my inflammation, take some weight off, help with my iron and generally feel better.  When I asked my doctor, he suggested a low fiber and minimal vegetables.  I was stunned.  This just doesn't sound right.  I get the fiber part...fiber and me are just not friends and never will be again.  But cut out the veggies and eat just white bread and rice?  Maybe not.
So, my hot friend came back to mind and I looked into Paleo.  Several stories of people, just like me, popped up and they had a complete turn-around in their disease.  They were medicine free and healthy!!!  I felt like I hit the lottery.  This is it!
I read the "Paleo Solution", got the book "Everyday Paleo" and scoured the Paleo blogs.  I shopped (it took 4 stores to find everything- thank you, Lord, for Whole Foods, Trader Joes and Wegman's) I printed out my first two weeks and now it is time to start.  OK....1....2...just push me now....WAIT!  I can do this  1.....2......3  JUMP!!!


  1. You are brave and I can't wait to hear how things change for you! I'm looking up Paleo diet right now!

  2. Kelly, Bravo for being so strong & taking charge of your health! I love you cousin! I just read about the Paleo diet on wikipedia. I can add my two cents about the micronutrients section--iodine. I have read before that any diet high in protien is also going to make your absorption of some nutrients lower. If you add lots of fish to your diet you should still get the iodine which your brain & thyroid need! Otherwise I don't know where the neccessary iodine will come from--since Paleo is saying cut table salt. The thyroid is like a gas pedal for your whole body metabolism & hormone production! My own ongoing struggle after thyroid cancer has taught me how important iodine/thyroid is. Iodine also helps your body fight infection on a cellular level (just read a book by Dr. David Derry). I'm just saying everyone should be careful about what you cut from your diet. I really hope Paleo is the answer--it sounds so promising for you Kelly!!! (Gwen)

    1. Ahhhh, Gwennie- thank you! I see my GI doc in two weeks and I will make sure they do the needed tests after the 30 days to check this. I appreciate your advice. I had no idea about iodine, I will add a few extra dashes of salt every now and again.

  3. Hi! I just found your blog and am considering going Paleo. Has it worked for you? I too have crohns and am on remicade. Let me know. Lisa
