Friday, September 21, 2012

A Remicade Kinda Day

Yesterday was my first infusion.....this morning...I feel a marked improvement!!!!
I felt really tired as it was infusing and then spiked a fever...the nurse called it a 'Rogue fever'  ((to my Rogues- haha, I just had to laugh- even my fevers are Rogue- just proves that Rogue stays with you forever!))   The infusion center I went to was amazing!  It was such a good experience.  I go back in 2  weeks for another dose, then 4 weeks after that.  This could be it :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Big day tomorrow

I get my first Remicade infusion.....wish me luck and send a few prayers up for me :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

On the road to Remicade

Still working on the insurance pre-authorizations.....but I should start my first dose in about two weeks.   I also started a strict 30 day Paleo challenge through my Crossfit gym.....strict Paleo seems to work best for me, if only pizza and cheese would just up and die so I wouldn't be so tempted!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Day the Tube Came Out

The tube and all of it's evilness is GONE!
My doctor heartily agreed that this was not working as we had hoped and with a firm pull, that thing was out!  It certainly was easier coming out than going in :)
So, where do I go from here?  It is on to Remicade Infusions.
I start in a couple of weeks (insurance needs to get squared away, first) and after a couple of 'loading' doses, I should get infusions every 6-8 weeks.
My doctor is hopeful that I will see marked improvement after only a couple of weeks and stay that way.
I am a bit leery, as I have heard that one before.

Paleo continues to be a big part of our lives.  I truly believe I would be worse off right now if I hadn't gone Paleo in March. 

I am trying to be optimistic, friends, optimistic indeed.